2. Install any packages you require. Common packages include: vim, gnuplot, x11.
- vim is a text editor.
- gnuplot to generate plots
- x11 to open up new windows. Need to use this for gnuplot
- Attempting to open the gnuplot directly from the cygwin terminal won't work. Have to type in "startxwin", which will open another window. From this window, gnuplot will work.
- To change the home directory from the default location of c:\cygwin64 to something else, say, your dropbox account, follow instructions here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjxEH_tr7e0
- Default vim will have problems as outlined here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18115644/vim-has-many-ui-bugs-on-cygwin-on-windows-8
To fix this, do the following: type into the cygwin terminal "vim _vimrc". This will create a file. Into this file, type "set nocompatible" and on the next line, "set backspace=indent,eol,start". Save the file. Problems listed in link above should be fixed.