Saturday, June 4, 2016

Getting Stroustrup's FLTK code to work in Code::Blocks for Windows

The following versions were used: fltk v1.3.3, Code::Blocks 16.01, and Windows 7

To get FLTK working with Code::Blocks in Windows, follow instructions found here:

Below is the solution to getting the code from '12.3 A first example' to work found in Bjarne's Stroustrup's book: Programming: Principles and Practices using C++, second edition. The solution below is a step by step breakdown of the errors I encountered and how to fix them.

Create a new FLTK project. The following files should be in the project as shown below. All the files can be found here ( with the exception of main.cpp, which you create yourself.

Compile and check for errors. Compile after correcting for each error encountered.

Error 1: 'vector' does not name a type
Solution: uncomment line 10 in Graph.h.

Error 2: no matching function for call to 'Graph_lib::Point::Point(int, int)'
Solution: uncomment constructors in line 11 and 12 in Point.h

Error 3: cannot convert std::ifstream to 'bool' in return
Solution: Change line 313 in Graph.cpp to return (bool) ff;

Error 4: redefinition of 'Graph_lib::Menu::Menu(Graph_lib::Point, int, int, Graph_lib::Menu::Kind, const string&)'
Solution: in GUI.h, comment out line 96 and 97 and add a semicolon to the  end of line 95

Error 5: reference to 'Window' is ambiguous
Solution: add Graph_lib:: before Window in line 9 of Simple_window.h

Error 6: reference to Polygon is ambiguous
Solution: add Graph_lib:: before Polygon in line 12 of main.cpp

Error 7: undefined reference to 'Fl_JPEG_Image::Fl_JPEG_Image(char const*)'
Solution: Go to Settings  Compiler  Linker settings  Other linker options.
Add the following lines to Other linker options

Alternatively, instead of applying the -lfltk_images and -lfltk_jpeg to the global compiler, one can add them to individual projects. Right click the project name   Properties   Project settings tab   Project's build options   Linker settings   Other linker options.

1. Almost all the solutions to the compilation errors can be found here:!topic/ppp-public/BtlzdWGuQpQ
2. This link suggests not to include simple_window.cpp in your project, which gets rid of a lot of errors. 
Basic example of adding images using FLTK, with the suggestion that you should add -lfltk_images and -lfltk_jpeg to your linker options